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Aviation History, Part II

May 11, 2024
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In 1897 an airship with an aluminum envelope was built by the Hungarian-Croatian engineer David Schwarz. It made its first flight at Tempelhof field in Berlin after Schwarz had died. His widow, Melanie Schwarz, was paid 15,000 marks by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin to release the industrialist Carl Berg from his exclusive contract to supply Schwartz with aluminium.


In July 1900 the Luftschiff Zeppelin LZ1 made its first flight. This led to the most successful airships of all time: the Zeppelins, named after Count von Zeppelin who began working on rigid airship designs in the 1890s, leading to the flawed LZ1 in 1900 and the more successful LZ2 in 1906. The Zeppelin airships had a framework composed of triangular lattice girders covered with fabric which contained separate gas cells. At first multiplane tail surfaces were used for control and stability: later designs had simpler later cruciform tail surfaces. The engines and crew were accommodated in “gondolas” hung beneath the hull driving propellers attached to the sides of the frame by means of long drive shafts. Additionally, there was a passenger compartment (later a bomb bay) located halfway between the two engine compartments.

Alberto Santos-Dumont was a wealthy Brazilian who lived in France and had a passion for flying. He designed 18 balloons and dirigibles before turning his attention to fixed-winged aircraft. On 19 October 1901 he flew his airship Number 6, a small semi-rigid with a detached keel, from the Parc Saint Cloud to and around the Eiffel Tower and back in under thirty minutes. This feat earned him the Deutsch de la Meurthe prize of 100,000 francs. Many inventors were inspired by Santos-Dumont’s small airships and a  veritable airship craze began worldwide. Many airship pioneers, such as the American Thomas Scott Baldwin, financed their activities through passenger flights and public demonstration flights. Stanley Spencer built the first British airship with funds from advertising baby food on the sides of the envelope. Others, such as Walter Wellman and Melvin Vaniman, set their sights on loftier goals, attempting two polar flights in 1907 and 1909, and two trans-Atlantic flights in 1910 and 1912.

In 1902, the Spanish engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo published details of an innovative airship design in Spain and France. With a non-rigid body and internal bracing wires, it overcame the flaws of these types of aircraft as regards both rigid structure (zeppelin type) and flexibility, providing the airships with more stability during flight and the capability of using heavier engines and a greater passenger load. In 1905, helped by Captain A. Kindelán, he built the airship “España” at the Guadalajara military base. Next year he patented his design without attracting official interest. In 1909 he patented an improved design which he offered to the French Astra company, who started mass-producing it in 1911 as the Astra-Torres airship. The distinctive three-lobed design was widely used during the Great War by the Entente powers.…

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2007 Alaska Cruise Preview: A Year of Maritime Marvels

May 11, 2024
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Passengers on these cruises will be treated to the awe-inspiring sight of steep fjords, mammoth glaciers calving icebergs the size of buses, and an abundance of wildlife. Humpback whales breaching, mountain goats traversing cliffs, and bears along the shores are just a few of the natural spectacles awaiting visitors. Additionally, historical gold rush towns

dventure. With such a wide range of options, from the  luxurious to the adventurous, there’s a cruise to suit every traveler’s taste and budget.…

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Understanding Deed Poll: A Simple Guide

May 1, 2024
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In a world where legal documents and procedures can seem complex and intimidating, understanding something as straightforward as a deed poll can make a significant difference. Whether you’re changing your name, gender, or simply want to make a legal declaration, a deed poll is a versatile tool that offers clarity and peace of mind.

What is a Deed Poll?

At its core, a deed poll is a legal document that proves a change of name. It’s a formal statement, signed by the individual making the change (known as the “declarant”), and witnessed by others. This document declares that the declarant renounces their former name and adopts a new one. This new name is then recognized and accepted by various institutions, including government bodies, banks, and educational establishments.

Why Choose a Deed Poll?

The simplicity and effectiveness of a deed poll make it a preferred choice for individuals seeking to change their name. Unlike other methods, such as common law or usage, a  change name by deed poll provides clear evidence of the change, ensuring smooth transitions in official records and documents. Whether you’re getting married, divorced, or simply wish to align your name with your identity, a deed poll offers a straightforward solution.

How to Obtain a Deed Poll?

Obtaining a deed poll is a relatively straightforward process. While you can create your own document, it’s often advisable to use a reputable deed poll service or solicitor to ensure legality and acceptance. Here’s a general outline of the process:

  1. Choose Your Name: Decide on the name you wish to adopt. Ensure it’s a name you’re comfortable with, as changing it again may require further legal processes.
  2. Prepare the Document: Either create your own deed poll document or seek assistance from a professional service. The document should include your current name, your new name, a statement renouncing your former name, and signatures from yourself and witnesses.
  3. Sign and Witness: Sign the document in the presence of witnesses. These witnesses must be impartial individuals who are not related to you, ensuring the validity of the document.
  4. Notify Relevant Parties: Once your deed poll is signed and witnessed, you can deed poll name change begin notifying relevant parties of your name change. This includes government agencies, financial institutions, employers, and any other organizations you’re affiliated with.


In essence, a deed poll is a simple yet powerful instrument for legal name changes. By following a few straightforward steps, individuals can assert their new identity with confidence and clarity. Whether it’s for personal, professional, or cultural reasons, a deed poll offers a smooth transition into a new chapter of life.

If you’re considering a name change, remember to approach the process with diligence and care. With the right guidance and understanding, a deed poll can be the key to unlocking a seamless transition into your new identity.…

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7 Little Known Facts About Cellulite

April 1, 2024
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Cellulite is a condition for which cures are commonly sought. The lumpy, rippled skin which typically appears in the thighs and buttocks area known as cellulite is typically associated with a weight problem; however an individual need not be overweight to have cellulite.

Cellulite is a condition for which cures are commonly sought. The lumpy, rippled skin which typically appears in the thighs and buttocks area known as cellulite is typically associated with a weight problem; however an individual need not be overweight to have cellulite. The condition is caused by water retention and circulatory problems that may resulted from a variety of factors including hormones.

A weakening of the connective tissue located just beneath the skin can also result in cellulite. Although cellulite has been known to occur in men, it is much more typical in women.

Millions of dollars are spent each year on cellulite treatment creams and other types of products to eradicate cellulite, a condition that is considered to be unattractive and believed by many women to be a rare condition. In truth, most women have cellulite and it actually begins to form just after puberty hits. The degree of cellulite varies, but more than 90 percent of all women have it to some degree.…